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Angew. Chem. :通过多级自组装的方法构筑基于精确序列类肽分子的多维功能材料


近日,浙江理工大学邵丽研究员和美国西北太平洋国家实验室Chun-Long Chen教授通过设计和合成一系列结构明确但具有不同序列的类肽分子,通过序列调控分子间的相互作用,制备得到从一维到三维的功能组装体。类肽分子的设计思路是引入亲水和疏水的二嵌段主链,并在末端连接官能团四苯基乙烯。研究表明四苯基乙烯连接位置从疏水端改变到亲水端会导致其形貌从离散的一维纳米管或二维纳米片到三维纳米管(片)束的转变。


Figure 1. (a) Chemical structures of peptoids sequences PEP-1–PEP-9. SEM images of the assemblies from (b) PEP-1; (d) PEP-3; (f) PEP-4; (h) PEP-9; and TEM images of the assemblies from (c) PEP-1; (e) PEP-3; (g) PEP-4; (i) PEP-9. AFM images of the assemblies from (j) PEP-5; (l) PEP-6; (n) PEP-7; (p, q) PEP-8. TEM images of the assemblies from (k) PEP-5; (m) PEP-6; (o) PEP-7. 



Figure 2. (a) Helical structures of the self-assemblies of PEP-1 through the interactions between TPE groups. (b) Molecular packing of PEP-10 in crystal structure. (c) Cartoon representation of the TPE interactions in the assemblies.



Figure 3. (a) The normalized emission and absorption spectra of PEP-1 and PEP-9 solutions. (b) Fluorescence spectra of PEP-1 in the mixture of CH3CN and H2O (v/v, 2:8) with different ratios of PEP-9, and the illustration of the FRET process in solution. λex = 300 nm, [PEP-1] = 1.2 × 10−4 M. (c) Chemical structure and schematic representation of the building blocks. (d) Fluorescence spectra of the co-assembled PEP-1 and PEP-9 at different ratios, and the illustration of the FRET process in the co-assemblies. λex = 300 nm, [PEP-1] = 6 × 10−5 M. (e) Fluorescence spectra of the assembled PEP-1 with different ratios of assembled PEP-9, and the illustration of the FRET process in the mixture of individual assemblies. λex = 300 nm, [PEP-1] = 2 × 10−5 M.


Hierarchical Self-Assembly of Multidimensional Functional Materials from Sequence-Defined Peptoids

Li Shao, Dehong Hu, Shao-Liang Zheng, Thi Kim Hoang Trinh, Wenhao Zhou, Haoyu Wang, Yanxu Zong, Changning Li, Chun-Long Chen

Angewandte Chemie International Edition

DOI: 10.1002/anie.202403263

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